I have a parallel programming subject this semester, and as usual, there’s also a lab in which we try and execute small programs (mostly using OpenMP).

First program is to find the value of Pi using Monte carlo methods. We have to then measure the performance with different number of threads, and tabulate it.

Usually, when we add threads using pragma omp parallel for directive, we expect the program to take less time. Here’s an implementation that everyone wrote:

#pragma omp parallel for
for (int i = 0; i < nIter; i++) {
	x = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
	y = (double)rand() / RAND_MAX;
	if ((x*x + y*y) <= 1) count++;
return 4 * (double)count/nIter;

But surprisingly, this doesn’t give the results you would expect. In fact, the run time strictly increases with number of threads.

Counter-intuitive results with naive openmp pragma

I was surprised, but seeing that everyone got the same results, I too first ignored the problem. But it was kind of a surprising result.

However, later I realized the problem. rand() is called from all threads. Each subsequent output of rand() is different so apparently it stores some global state. And usually that means locking.

Turns out my suspicion was true. I looked around in the glibc sources. There’s a locking call in random.c and this comment confirms it.

194 /* POSIX.1c requires that there is mutual exclusion for the `rand' and
195    `srand' functions to prevent concurrent calls from modifying common
196    data.  */

So rand() is obtaining a mutex, which is negating any benefit we get from OpenMP pragmas.

Solution? This is what I arrived at with some fiddling. Basically using a local, reentrant version of rand - called rand_r and using a private variable to store the random state.

By doing this, each thread has a local state for random number generation. Thus locking will not be needed.

#pragma omp parallel
int localCount = 0;
// This is the seed value for rand_r function.
// (should actually use something better here than clock)
unsigned int randomState = clock();
#pragma omp for
for (int i = 0; i < nIter; i++) {
	x = (double)rand_r(&randomState) / RAND_MAX;
	y = (double)rand_r(&randomState) / RAND_MAX;
	if ((x*x + y*y) <= 1) localCount++;
#pragma omp critical
count += localCount;
return 4 * (double)count/nIter;

This fixes the speed problem. But there’s still a limit to parallelism depending on your machine’s specs, and there may be further bottlenecks in the program as well.

But for the purpose of the lab, I get a decent graph which shows an increase in speed :P.

After eliminating critical section

Update (July 02): This reddit thread is very informative discussion on this post. Especially this comment by u/skeeto recommends to use a single global seed than clock() in every thread.